About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My Haiku and Senryu Updates .....

The third issue of Frozen Butterfly has just been released on YouTube. Congratulations to all the poets who have work in this issue. This includes my work as well. You can listen to my voice as a part of this video. Each haiku poet narrates their work in their own voice. Here is the link . . .


Ershik #11 is up with the Russian version of my work included. I am sharing the link to the Russian Version.
The English Translation is as below:
he combs his hair
over his bald head


Chrysanthemum 18  is now online and ready to be viewed at:


Here is my haiku for my readers: (also translated in German)

snow melts …

in my mother’s lap
I collect the sunlight

My haiku - "masquerade ball" is up at Gnarled Oak.
You can read my haiku here as well...
masquerade ball
under the makeup
my wrinkles


I just submitted y senryu and haiku to other journals for the rest of the month as I am keeping too busy with my festive job of chocolates and diyas (wishing lamps). Also, I will be away for a vacation from end of Nov till Dec ...so have to submit. Fingers crossed.
Decemeber is a month for editing the anthology for Author's United and I will be absolutely occupied till Christmas.

Happy Festive Preparations to all of you!