About Me

- Archana Kapoor Nagpal
- Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I am disappointed !!!
Before I write for the link below, I question myself, why do I write?
The answer is difficult. Honestly, not for money or fame. But yes even not for people to come and read. But still I see my blog stats going up. From November 2010 till date the graph is going upJ
It gives me peace that somewhere something written by me will have a right impact on lives of few or maybe manyJ
Every writer has a vision and genre that he/she belongs to. The purpose of their writing might vary but there are few things or I must say traits that are same. Every writer is inspired by other writings and his own experiences add a cherry to his cake of writings. There is no writer who does not portray his experience in his writings. Depending upon his or her personality his experiences could be sentimental or practical irrespective of the gender ...the word I mentioned is ‘GENDER’. Shakespeare is a complete package as he wrote everything from Romance to Drama to Real Life. For me he is God of Writers and his writings are pretty much on sentimental side inspired by human emotions – the greatest of all – ‘Love’.
You must think why I am elaborating around – Writers and Gender. Read the following statement by V.S Naipaul that is a good piece of discouragement for many women upcoming writers. I have read his writings during my Graduation days (I was a student of English Literature). But when I read the following, I wonder what makes him so critical about women. I am disappointedJ
“V.S. Naipaul: No woman writer is my match
Nobel laureate claims he can tell a woman’s writing immediately — and says even Jane Austen is not his equal
Women are “sentimental,” and their “narrow view of the world” makes them inferior writers. So, at least, says V.S. Naipaul, the prolific Nobel and Booker Prize-winning author whose works include “A House for Mr. Biswas.”
The Guardian’s Amy Fallon reports:
In an interview at the Royal Geographic Society on Tuesday about his career, Naipaul … was asked if he considered any woman writer his literary match. He replied: “I don’t think so.” Of [Jane] Austen he said he “couldn’t possibly share her sentimental ambitions, her sentimental sense of the world”.
He felt that women writers were “quite different”. He said: “I read a piece of writing and within a paragraph or two I know whether it is by a woman or not. I think [it is] unequal to me.” …
[He added:] “And inevitably for a woman, she is not a complete master of a house, so that comes over in her writing too.”
Two things to write:
Firstly, I agree that he could make it out while reading if the writer is a woman or a man. I guess this comes with age and experience. Secondly, there are certain sentiments that a woman can express better or maybe much more clearly. But the way he has quoted his statement makes me wonder why is he being so sarcastic about this whole thought. Appreciate!!
Secondly, I am shocked to read that he considers no women writer as par to him. Well, this is very much discouraging. I write this not because I am a woman but because I believe one should appreciate and encourage the people in his professional gamut. At least this much we can expect from experienced writers whom we have read in our younger days.
V.S. Naipaul: No woman writer is my match – I think when your readers will say that then you will acknowledge this more. So will others. It makes no difference to anyone when one appreciates himself. The essence of appreciation is when others appreciate you or your talent. I guess personal life and experiences are too much reflected through this statement.
I always say and write so will do it today as well – APPRECIATE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Read :)
I am very tired and have been thinking to write since last two days. I wanted to write in context to the link below:
Women Writers - V.S Naipaul
Read the above link before you I post more content around this...
Love You All
Women Writers - V.S Naipaul
Read the above link before you I post more content around this...
Love You All
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Success is counted sweetest (By Emily Dickinson)
I read this when I was in XI standard. But somewhere I never forgot this poem. It always made me think of it when I faced failuresJ
If you do not fail or face a problem one cannot realise the worth of success. Like to feel the worth of ‘water’ you really need to be ‘thirsty’. If that thirst is not within you, one cannot value the worth of results. Face your failures with a small note – Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed. So your failure is a ladder or way to your taste of success.
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag today
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory
As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Break agonized and clear!
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag today
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory
As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Break agonized and clear!
Friday, June 17, 2011
My Father's Day Message!
I have celebrated 'Father's Day Special Week' on my blog. I have plan to bake a chocolate cake and mango dry fruit custard for my father and husband:). My family arrives tomorrow and I have a surprise for both of them:). Until June 19th, I am busy so I post my message today for all my readers.
Forget and Forgive - Dad's Teachings to ME!
History of Father's Day
Poem for Father's Day
Father's Day - Quotes
Enjoy your Father's Day with your family....
Love you All
I posted a story long time back and today I post the link of the same to honour all the fathers in this world. To honour my father who stood with me and listened to me whenever I wanted to talk or shout. J To honour my father-in-law who got me married to the best man in this world – HIS SON. To honour my husband who took care of me (majorly for the last one year) as his child. To honour my husband as a father of my 92 kids at my home - Sphoorti. To honour GOD who is the father of UNIVERSE.
Here is the link - Best Story of a Father.
Below are some of the posts that are published for my readers. If you missed them click the links below:Forget and Forgive - Dad's Teachings to ME!
History of Father's Day
Poem for Father's Day
Father's Day - Quotes
Enjoy your Father's Day with your family....
Love you All
Father's Day - Quotes
I read some of the quotes and I selected my favourite ones for my readers. Please read and share with your father on this Father’s Day!
The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
(Author Unknown)
Came from God; I call him Dad!
(Author Unknown)
He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. (Clarence Budington Kelland)
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." (Harmon Killebrew)
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. (Enid Bagnold)
Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it. (Clarence Budington Kelland)
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. (Johann Schiller)
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. (Elizabeth Stone)
I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. (M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter)
Dad, you're someone to look up to no matter how tall I've grown. (Author Unknown)
Related Links of Father’s Day on my blog:
Father's Day Poem - Father's Day Special Week!
A poem for my father. You can use for your father as well:)
Hope you would have read yesterday’s post - History of Father's Day!
I read the following poem and tears started flowing from my cheeks to my dress. I have not written this but whoever wrote it , I share with my readers. I have many reasons to relate to this poem. Majorly, as I have somewhere disappointed my dad too but still I am sure he would have forgiven me. My parents are coming to Hyderabad on June 18th, a day before Father’s Day. I am going to make 19th June – a special day for my father. Until then this poem comes all the way for my all readers. To all my male friends who are great fathers now. To 5 special men of my life who made me feel proud that they came in my life (though I will not share their names, I respect anonymity but you all mean a lot to me). I wish all of you “A HAPPY FATHER’S DAY”. As I say, a boyfriend can be bad, a husband can be bad but a father is never bad. I share a special bond with my father. The best relation between a man and a woman is that of a father and a daughterJToday of all the other 365 days of the year
is fathers day, hopefully the sky will be clear
today is the days children tell their daddy's they love them
but i think thats stupid, i don't agree with them
because if they had my daddy they
are very lucky to have someone as lovely as him
to have someone who's always there for you, from the beginning to the end
and so i feel bad, because i couldn't ask for anyone better
and i should tell him, i love you, what ever the weather
but thank god for to day, because otherwise i wouldn't of
said anything and then ovcourse
daddy would never know how much he means to me
today I'll tell him i love him and that I'm sorry
sorry i ever disappointed him, forgive me?
is fathers day, hopefully the sky will be clear
today is the days children tell their daddy's they love them
but i think thats stupid, i don't agree with them
because if they had my daddy they
are very lucky to have someone as lovely as him
to have someone who's always there for you, from the beginning to the end
and so i feel bad, because i couldn't ask for anyone better
and i should tell him, i love you, what ever the weather
but thank god for to day, because otherwise i wouldn't of
said anything and then ovcourse
daddy would never know how much he means to me
today I'll tell him i love him and that I'm sorry
sorry i ever disappointed him, forgive me?
Love you all
Thursday, June 16, 2011
19th June is Father’s Day. I am celebrating ‘FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL WEEK’ until 19th June. This is the first post. More is yet to come so keep following!
A day dedicated to our fathersJ. But how far you know the history of Father’s Day?
Father's Day poses as just the perfect occasion to express feelings of gratitude and thankfulness to every dad in the world. Though the day is celebrated with utmost fervour and enthusiasm in the present times, things were not the same. Father's Day celebration had a modest beginning.
Father's Day, a holiday which honours fathers worldwide, is celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of June. It originated in the United States in 1910; a few years after the country began celebrating Mother’s Day. Father’s Day became an official U.S. holiday in 1972.
Father's Day, in the United States, is a holiday (third Sunday in June) to honour fathers. Credit for originating the holiday is generally given to Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, whose father, a Civil War veteran, raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth. She is said to have had the idea in 1909 while listening to a sermon on Mother's Day, which at the time was becoming established as a holiday. Local religious leaders supported the idea, and the first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, the month of the birthday of Dodd's father. Sonora could realize the greatness of her father and wanted to let him know how deeply she was touched by his sacrifices, courage, selflessness and love. To pay a tribute to her great dad, Sonora held the first Father's Day celebration on 19th of June 1910, on the birthday of her father. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance. However, unlike Mother's Day, which was readily accepted, Father's Day was received with mockery and hilarity. Though the day was gaining attention, it was mostly for the wrong reasons. Jokes, satire, parody and derision were all that the day was commemorated for.
In 1913, a bill in accordance with making the day official was introduced. The idea was approved by US President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. Later, in 1924, the idea gained further momentum as it was supported by President Calvin Coolidge. In 1926, a National Father's Day Committee was formed in New York City. However, it was thirty years later that a Joint Resolution of Congress gave recognition to Father's Day. Another 16 years passed before President Richard Nixon established the third Sunday of June, as a permanent national observance day of Father's Day in 1972.
In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge gave his support to the observance, and in 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson officially proclaimed it a national holiday. Observance on the third Sunday of June was decreed by law in 1972.
Although it was originally largely a religious holiday, Father's Day has been commercialized with the sending of greeting cards and the giving of gifts. Some observe the custom of wearing a red rose to indicate that one's father is living or a white rose to indicate that he is deceased. Other males—for example, grandfathers or uncles who have assumed parenting roles—are often also honoured on the day. Some Roman Catholics have continued to observe the feast day of Saint Joseph, on March 19, as a tribute to fathers.
So now you know what was the reason that a day is dedicated to our fathers?J
Wait for more posts to come until June 19th, 2011. I am celebrating this week as ‘Father’s Special Week’.
Love you dad!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
This post is a story that is published on one of the websites. I hope my FB friends would have read. The reason I post it today is I am reading a book – The Art of Forgiveness. I can relate to the book as I wrote my real life story couple of weeks back on the same note. I realised that 17th June is approaching and I am going to complete a year of my medical journey. Though it has been 9 years but the real down started last year.
But before you read this post just a thought – “If you cannot forgive you burn the bridge that may be the one you have to cross later.”
If I can forgive, anyone can. Though with forgiveness, I have moved away from all the people who have hurt me but with no signs of rancor. It gives me peace and I feel heavenly. I do not believe in looking back so I asked for forgiveness – granted or not does not matter. My job and God’s will is ‘to ask’ that matters rest all is not your cup of tea. At the same time I forgave everyone for everything not for them but for my peace. Trust me – learn to forgive and then you will see how life changes. Let it go off. Be Human!
Below is the story, actually my real life incident. Hope it makes one person to ask for forgiveness and many to forgive.
"Sometimes forgiving was easy for me; sometimes forgiving was a very bold choice. Whatever kind of choice it was, it always led me to a more peaceful heart. It always left me happier and free to move on to create healthier relationships with others and with myself." - Robin Casarjian
Principle of Life: Forget-Forgive-Move On
Each one of us does not possess the art of forgiving. We might lack the strength to forget things and forgive others.
On 17th June 2010, the day I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, things have drastically changed around me. The first and foremost thought that came to my mind was to ask for forgiveness from all those, I might have hurt at some point of time in my life. I questioned my own self whether I was doing the right thing. And my heart answered for me that forgiveness is for you not for others.
My mind was restless as so many questions were bothering me.
1. Will my friends ever forgive me?
2. Will they be able to recall me after so many years?
3. How would they react to my apology letter?
4. Is this a good apology letter for an old friend?
There were a few people I never contacted since 13 years. But I was firm to do this for my mental peace before I start afresh.
I created a list of all the names and tracked their email ids. Some were available on Facebook, the best source to track friends and message them. It was difficult to customise my apology letter but the best decision was to draft a general letter. The idea was to convey my apology without emphasising what made me to write the letter.
As per the list, I started sending emails and letters to all the friends. I remember how I felt while sending those emails and letters. There was a big fear how would people react to my apology. Moreover there were certain friends who disconnected though I never did anything wrong to them. But when you ask for an apology you do not argue with yourself whether I was right or wrong.
The responses to my apology were shocking. Most of them forgave me. Whereas few never responded to my apology and others called me names. Maybe this was the best way they could handled my apology letter.
But there was a friend of mine who wrote something that touched my heart. I felt as if I deserved what I am going through.
He wrote, “Well, this letter is a surprise to me. If you remember 6 years back, I also asked for an apology for whatever happened between us and you left me. Moreover you took me off your Facebook as well. I cannot express how I felt. I felt strangulated as I could not clarify my part to you. I can understand how low you would be feeling while writing this apology letter. I will not behave in the same way as I value you as a friend. I forgive you for my peace and happiness. When you forgive someone, you are not doing it for others but you are doing it for yourself. It will give me immense satisfaction that you are back in my life as a friend and things are solved. It is true to grant forgiveness is the most difficult task. When we forgive others we do it for ourselves as it will give us peace, satisfaction and happiness. The more we are inclined to hold grudges, the more we make our soul suffer. We would always be driven to negative thoughts in such instances. To move ahead in life we have to forget things and forgive others.”
His words were so soothing that I could never forget them. I realised what I did to him and how easily he forgave me.
I understood that forgiveness is an art. One should learn to forgive others to make his life easier. Time is great healing factor and forgiveness gives us pleasure to live a happy, contented and peaceful life. If you are still thinking to forgive your friend or not, then do not take too long. Your forgiveness is a gateway to your happiness and peace. It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.
A simple rule of thumb in life is that if you cannot forgive others then do not expect others to forgive you. We all are human beings and are born to make mistakes. If God can forgive us for our bad deeds why cannot we forgive others?
Make it a principle of your life – Forget, Forgive and Move On!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
5 Lakhs To Shut Mouths.....
This blog is a platform for any such matter to be shared through me that I can support virtually or maybe through this means only.
Firstly, thanks to my FB friend who has been following this case (links below) and who has shared about the best two links on our profile walls. I have read the entire case to understand before I write and post this blog.
So many such cases would have been added to the history of number of rapes in our country. Tragedy here is that everything is clear like a crystal but still no action is being taken. The family is being offered 5 lakhs to shut their mouths and forget how brutally their 14 years old daughter has been raped and killed. Just 14 years.....IT IS SHAMEFUL!!!
Maybe this is just any other case but what leaves me thinking is - what the number of this any other case is?
As I always write tomorrow it could be any one of us – maybe your daughter.
We need a change and make this country safe for women. It is their home let them live. If we are not safe in our homes then we are homeless. I am advising one thing – do not teach your daughter how to cook but teach her how to kick and save herself. Tomorrow your cookery classes will not come to her use what will help her is her physical strength to save herself during crisis.
Follow the links below to know about the case. I have done my best to spread a word and share this. Now it is your turn.
Related Links:
Monday, June 13, 2011
Try Me!!
I always say one thing - Keep Trying. I have failed thousand times in life but still I keep trying as failures does not matter to me but not to try is like a 'suicide'. I struggle with pain but I still walk, swim and dance as till I live I live like I am 'ALIVE'. I failed in relationships, family, profession and may be as whatever role I played but I still try to make relationships as the word 'TRY' matters to me!
Love Yourself!
Love You All:)
Let Life Try You...You would be lucky one if you are selected by life so am 'I'.
Love Yourself!
Love You All:)
Let Life Try You...You would be lucky one if you are selected by life so am 'I'.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Do you know 108??...I Attended IT!
I live in a society in Hyderabad where we have almost 4 blocks that comprises of 600 apartments. Total number of residents must be around 1500 or maybe more.
One of the best leading MNC in Hyderabad has organised a day’s workshop for life safety tips. Surprisingly, out of the strength of 1500 people hardly 20 were present. I reached at 10:30 as per the scheduled timings but was shocked to see nobody was there and the organisers were sitting disappointed. Actually, it is a matter of disappointment for those who missed it as they were here for all of us.
Unlike western countries our schools and colleges are not equipped or trained to train students or employees on life safety tips. There are so many things we are taught by our grandmothers and moms which are incorrect (I also realised it TODAY!). I was told if you face nose bleeding put your head backwards since my childhood. It is absolutely incorrect and I have learned the right way at the age of 31...Jesus, after 30 years of incorrect way to control bleeding.
Attending such a workshop is learning for us so please do attend such workshops. I am giving one thing in this post as it is difficult to draft all the points of the workshop for my readers.
For my readers from India, please whenever you encounter any emergency call – 108. To know more about 108 click the link below. If you knew about this then share with others else read the link.
Call 108 for Emergency is the best thing I can share with my readers from my workshop.
I had a good day of learning and I am sure it will benefit others through me.
Love Yourself!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
O never say that I was false of heart (Sonnet 109 by William Shakespeare)
A poem can stir all of the senses, and the subject matter of a poem can range from being funny to being sad.
O, never say that I was false of heart,Though absence seemed my flame to qualify.
As easy might I from my self depart
As from my soul which in thy breast doth lie.
That is my home of love; if I have ranged,
Like him that travels I return again,
Just to the time, not with the time exchanged,
So that myself bring water for my stain.
Never believe though in my nature reigned
All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood,
That it could so preposterously be stained
To leave for nothing all thy sum of good;
For nothing this wide universe I call
Save thou, my rose, in it thou art my all
Another Chapter of Revolution - Fight Against Corruption ???
The heat of fight against corruption is getting hotter than Delhi’s heat. The heat within the people of India has taken over the heat of scorching sun. The botch up of Ramdev’s fast on June 5th has raised lot of anguish among every Indian. Anna Hazare who has been the front face of this fight against corruption has supported Ramdev and his idea to fast yesterday be mainly to support the same cause.
I am not able to understand one thing, what was the need to stop and ruin the efforts of Ramdev? The government could have handled this patiently face to face with some conclusion. The image of whatever happened on June 5th has left a question in the mind of every Indian – is this the way to treat citizen of a country?
The picture is clear if you raise your voice you will be treated like that. For how long we will live like this?
The more you suppress the cause to curb corruption the more you will find people fighting against it. There is a Ramdev and Anna Hazare who will come and fight for this from every part of the country some day or the other day. What are they getting – NOTHING?
There needs to be a solution now. I respect every Indian who was a part of yesterday’s cause. I hope efforts of Anna Hazare do not go waste....
I am glad we still have such people in our country and we cannot afford to lose them!
Related posts are below:
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
World Oceans Day!!!
8th June is World Oceans Day!
The idea of World Oceans Day was kicked off in 1992 by Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was officially recognized by United Nations in 2008 and since then it has been coordinated internationally by The Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network with greater success and global participation each year.
World Oceans Day is an opportunity every year to honor the world's ocean, celebrate the products the ocean provides, such as seafood, as well as marine life itself for aquariums, pets, and also a time to appreciate its own intrinsic value. The ocean also provides sea-lanes for international trade. Global pollution and over-consumption of fish have resulted in drastically dwindling population of the majority of species.
The Ocean Project, working in partnership with the World Ocean Network, has been promoting WOD since 2003 with its network of over 1,200 organizations and others throughout the world. These groups have been working to build greater awareness of the crucial role of the ocean in our lives and the important ways people can help. World Oceans Day provides an opportunity to get directly involved in protecting our future, through a new mindset and personal and community action and involvement – beach cleanups, educational programs, art contests, film festivals, sustainable seafood events, and other planned activities help to raise consciousness of how our lives depend on the oceans.
It is a day and effort to better our planet ‘Earth’ and Save Oceans !
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Look at the weather outside it is awesome. I remember my college days and the way I used to bunk classes on such weather days. Clouds are kissing the earth to tell how much we missed them. In slang language it is sexy weather outside:)
Two weeks back I got operated and most of my readers would have read this post.
Two weeks back I got operated and most of my readers would have read this post.
My stitches were taken off yesterday and I am back on my feet to roam and get back to my coaching classes. It is surprising but my every visit has been some kind of learning for me. It is not related to my anatomical learning J but my meeting with strangers and learning something new. Most of my stories on inspirational websites are result of my hospital visits. I must convey my thanks to people I met in the hospital during my visits as lot of content on my blog belongs to their experiences and my learning through them.
Today, it was no different as I was waiting for my husband to come and pick me when I met an old man. He was sitting next to me and must be around 75 years old. He was feeble and very old to even realise that I asked him to move a bit to make some room for me to sit.
Very soon I realised that he was hard of hearing so I chose to stand and wait for my husband. The waiting lounge at Apollo Hospital is always packed. But he could make out and pushed himself slightly on the right to create space for me. He acted something saying that I am thin so this much place is enough for me. I loved that and just smiled with a gesture to say ‘Thanks’.
I waited for 10 minutes and my husband called on my mobile asking me to come at the reception. I took my bag and medical report to make a move. The moment I got up, the old man held my bag and pasted a tag on it that says –
Before I could ask him he gave me a piece of paper that has the text “Please convey anyone you meet in life that you love him or her as a being or the most wonderful creator of GOD. GOD created man to spread love and there are still many who are left untouched with the feeling of being loved. The word ‘love’ gives a hope to live and peace to die. I am doing this for every person whom I meet in a day and who can take my attention. So you were one of them so please spread my message to others.”
I was delighted and smiled saying to him – “Love You Too, Sir”.
I gave the same tag to my husband. But for me the best place to convey the old man’s message and my feelings is my blog. Please spread the message of love. As a human being, I say to everyone in the universe – P.S I LOVE YOU. No matter you have someone to admire you or not, no matter you are rich or poor, no matter you called me names, no matter whether you love or hate me, no matter you are dark or fair, no matter you are old or young, I will always love everyone, GOD created as a part of this universe. Just thought to say will you say the same to others – P.S – I LOVE YOU!
Dolce Vita
Monday, June 6, 2011
A Character (By William Wordsworth)
Something I liked about this peom while reading it. For my readers:)
I marvel how Nature could ever find space
For so many strange contrasts in one human face:
There's thought and no thought, and there's paleness and bloom
And bustle and sluggishness, pleasure and gloom.
There's weakness, and strength both redundant and vain;
Such strength as, if ever affliction and pain
Could pierce through a temper that's soft to disease,
Would be rational peace--a philosopher's ease.
There's indifference, alike when he fails or succeeds,
And attention full ten times as much as there needs;
Pride where there's no envy, there's so much of joy;
And mildness, and spirit both forward and coy.
There's freedom, and sometimes a diffident stare
Of shame scarcely seeming to know that she's there,
There's virtue, the title it surely may claim,
Yet wants heaven knows what to be worthy the name.
This picture from nature may seem to depart,
Yet the Man would at once run away with your heart;
And I for five centuries right gladly would be
Such an odd such a kind happy creature as he
For so many strange contrasts in one human face:
There's thought and no thought, and there's paleness and bloom
And bustle and sluggishness, pleasure and gloom.
There's weakness, and strength both redundant and vain;
Such strength as, if ever affliction and pain
Could pierce through a temper that's soft to disease,
Would be rational peace--a philosopher's ease.
There's indifference, alike when he fails or succeeds,
And attention full ten times as much as there needs;
Pride where there's no envy, there's so much of joy;
And mildness, and spirit both forward and coy.
There's freedom, and sometimes a diffident stare
Of shame scarcely seeming to know that she's there,
There's virtue, the title it surely may claim,
Yet wants heaven knows what to be worthy the name.
This picture from nature may seem to depart,
Yet the Man would at once run away with your heart;
And I for five centuries right gladly would be
Such an odd such a kind happy creature as he
Saturday, June 4, 2011
India To Host - World Environment Day 2011
5th June is the World Environment Day. Before you read the post promise yourself to do something that day to better the environment. If you can quit smoking on 5th June, it is not a big deal or if you promise not to litter you are definitely contributing something good to the world on World Environment Day – 2011.
I have promised myself to plant a tree and not to smoke on that day atleast!
India is selected as the global host and let us make every Indian a responsible human being by sharing this post and by contributing something to the environment on 5th June. Decide what you would like to contribute to make your environment healthy and safe for you and your family.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced that India would be for the first time ever the global host of World Environment Day 2011 on June 5 this year.
A UNEP press release noted that India had one of the fastest growing economies in the world that is embracing the process of a transition to a Green Economy.
It said the theme of this year’s WED, “Forests: Nature at your Service” underscored the intrinsic link between quality of life and the health of forests and forest ecosystems. The WED theme also supports this year’s UN International Year of Forests, it said.
The UNEP pointed out that India is a country of 1.2 billion people who continue to put pressure on forests especially in densely populated areas where people are cultivating on marginal lands and where overgrazing is contributing to desertification.
“But the Indian Government has also found solutions. While the socio-economic pressures on the country’s forests are tremendous, India has instituted a tree-planting system to combat land-degradation and desertification, including windbreaks and shelterbelts to protect agricultural land,” it said.
The release noted that, in conserving its critical ecosystem, India had successfully introduced projects that track the health of the nation’s plants, animals, water and other natural resources, including the Sunderbans - the largest deltaic mangrove forest in the world, and home to one of India’s most iconic wildlife species: the tiger.
It said India had also launched a compensation afforestation programme under which any diversion of public forests for non-forestry purposes is compensated through afforestation in degraded or non-forested land. The funds received as compensation are used to improve forest management, protection of forests and of watershed areas. Moreover, a government authority has been created specifically to administer this programme, it said.
“Over close to the 40-year history of WED, India’s cities and communities have been among the most active with a myriad of events undertaken across the country each and every year - so it is only fitting that this rapidly developing economy is the host in 2011,” Mr Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, said.
“India is famous for its culture, arts, movies and world-beating information technology industries. Increasingly it is at the forefront of some of the ‘green shoots’ of a Green Economy that are emerging across the globe,” he said.
“From its manufacturing of solar and wind turbines to its Rural Employment Guarantee Act which underwrites paid work for millions of households via investments in areas ranging from water conservation to sustainable land management, foundations are being laid towards a fundamental and far reaching new development path,” he added.
UNEP said this was underlined by India’s introduction of the Clean Energy Fund into its national budget which provides subsidies for green technology and has been the basis for a National Action Plan on Climate Change which sets specific targets on issues such as energy efficiency and sustaining the Himalayan eco-system.
“India is currently planning one of the largest green energy projects in the world that will generate 20,000 megawatts of solar energy and 3,000 megawatts from wind farms on 50,000 acres in Karnataka in southwest India. The first phase of the US$50 billion project will start next year,” the release said.
In its report on the Green Economy launched yesterday, UNEP cites India and the $8 billion National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, which underwrites at least 100 days of paid work, benefiting close to 60 million rural households.
“India’s offer to host WED is another expression of India’s strong commitment to work with the global community for sustainable development. This event will serve as the inauguration of a series of events leading up to the hosting of the 11th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. It will also flag off the celebrations of the international decade for biodiversity. This will in addition signal India’s commitment to the biomass economy so dependent on the sustainability of our natural resources,” Dr. T. Chatterjee, Secretary for Environment and Forests of the Government of India, said.
According to the release, Mumbai and Delhi will be the venue for this year’s global celebration of the environment, with a myriad of activities over several days to inspire Indians and people around the world to take action for the environment.
The celebrations in India on June 5 will be part of thousands of events taking place around the globe.
“WED 2011 will emphasize how individual actions can have an exponential impact, with a variety of activities ranging from school tree-planting drives to community clean-ups, car-free days, photo competitions on forests, bird-watching trips, city park clean-up initiatives, exhibits, green petitions, nationwide green campaigns and much more,” it said.
This year, UNEP plans to make WED 2011 into a bigger celebration than ever before, building on the unprecedented success of WED 2010 - when people in more than 112 countries registered activities on the WED website and WED was thrust into the blogo-sphere with the first-ever WED- blogging competition.
“The WED 2011 website will inspire, inform and involve people through unprecedented interactivity, offering daily tips, information and statistics on forest conservation, a platform where people around the world can register their activities, social networking campaigns and competitions to get people on every continent involved,” the release added. .
Happy World Environment Day in advance
The idea to wish in adavnce to make you prepared for your contribution.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Where's the Party Tonight??
I have written a lot around Environment DayJ
So let me take a breakJ
So let me take a breakJ
My friend has come from Delhi for a day. We have been connected since college days and she was here for a conference. Unlike me she is a Corporate WomanJ
She extended a day to catch up with me and that is like a big surprise as I was not aware of her visit. My door bell rang and I dragged my bandaged foot to open the door. The moment I saw, we were like two devils hugging each other after 2005. Facebook might connect friends but the physical touch and presence has its own essence. She has just given me 10 minutes to write this. I am trying to gather the speed of entire universe to typeJ
Both of us are Virgos and we share the same date of birth. The whole day was like we were dancing (I can dance even in the Operation Theatre, there is nothing not even my bandaged stitched foot that can stop me from dancing) and munching on wrong fatty foods (good to cheat sometimes)J
We had so much fun gossiping around (the most known trait of a woman) indeed bitching would be the right word for usJ
We are big fan of Kareena Kapoor and we danced on this number (here is the youtube link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0b-kFftr-g) almost 20 times. I was too bitchy to take up the part of Kareena and she had no choice to be Tussar Kapoor J
We saw the steps and practiced on this song till we get the best one. My neighbours would have been cursing me to spoil their afternoon naps as my house was like a pub – one song to another and two silly women dancing like as if we would be awarded for our performances. But we decided no drinks and no smoking – our humble contribution to Environment Day in advance.
I am taking her out for dinner (Andhra cuisine) and then we plan to hit the pub in our short dresses and her high heels (I miss my heels till I get better).
Take time to meet your friends...enough of Facebook....we might lose the personal touch if we remain too much FB connected.
So plan your Environment Day activities with your friendsJ
Have a rocking Friday niteJ
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