About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Love Yourself (Exercise 1): Count the Usage of ‘I’

This is a really funny exercise but I want my readers to do this. As most of you would have read we are celebrating ‘What to do to love yourself’ this month on my blog so get your pen and paper ready and just do this for yourself, NOT  For ME!

Below this post you will find the related posts for ‘What to do to love yourself?’If you have missed reading the earlier post please click the links below:

Now take a pen and paper (even if you are in office you can do that). Write the number of times you use the word ‘I’ in next three hours. No need to write for every instance (you might feel like dork to yourselfJ).

For eg: I am hungry, I feel to have a cake, I need to finish this before the meeting starts, I am tired, I need to cook etc....

Just pen it down when you remember to pen it down for next three hours. Give a break and when you reach home repeat it for another three hours. And if you think you are good at assuming then just assume the maximum number by the time you hit the sack and then go to sleep.

Tomorrow morning when you get up just think about the number and read my post related to this exercise.  I will also be doing and actually I do it once every week. Why, read it tomorrow on my blog?

But be honest and please do it if you love yourself.

BTW, how do you think you love yourself? By any of the following ways:

 By your looks or by your lavish Audi A7

By your tax money coming back to your account

By getting married to the beautiful hot woman you chased for years,

By your being graduating from IIT, IIM or Oxford

Then please you really need to learn to love yourself. Just stand and see yourself into the mirror and answer one Q asking yourself – When was the last time you did something for someone selflessly (this someone is a stranger not your friend, family, peer or loved ones). Someone you never met earlier and please don’t answer I distributed clothes at the temple premises or NGO as this you did do get rid of your junk in your wardrobes. These all things we do for our peace so this is not an answer to the Q.

 Think!!! And if you take more than a minute to answer then you really never loved yourself. You need to learn now! So do something selflessly in this week for a stranger or a person in needJ

Wait for the exercise results and conclusions.....Remember count “I”.

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Love Yourself (Tip 1): I Want Peace....