About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Saturday, September 29, 2012


If you have given your heart someone (or if you are in love) then this is a day to take care of your heart J

It is World Heart Day, 2012 and let us dedicate this post to few tips that can help you to keep your healthy and fit.

I started following few tips that really made a difference to my outlook towards life and keeps me happy all the time.

I share these tips on my blog as a contribution to World Heart Day, 2012.

Stop Reacting to situations in life. Always act than react. Acting in the right manner to situations will give you solutions to handle them. Reacting is a key to worsen the worst situation.

Stop Ranting. Carry a big smile on your face even when you feel that nothing could be worse than this in your life. A single moment of anger gives immense pressure on your heart and mind. A calm mind is a way to happy heart J

Spread a message of love. Hug people who hate you. Embrace those who called you names. Kiss those who ignored you. This is the best lesson to spread the message of love. ‘Love is in the air’ is about spreading the message of love. A happy heart is a lovable heart.

Walk out of confrontations. If ignoring a situation or a person can give you happiness then nothing should be more important to you. Learn to walk out of confrontations as it will not benefit you or your heart in the long run. Placido, a simple word to remember, whenever you encounter a confrontation in life whether at work or home J

Accept the fact, ‘Nobody is perfect’. There is nobody in the world with a perfect life. Stop living and comparing your lives with others around you. This tends to confuse your heart which leads to blockage of arteries J. Live your life ‘King size’. You are the ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ of your ‘Life’.

Read a lot. Reading gives you insight to many true facts about life and living. Make sure you read one quote of an author on daily basis and try to inculcate that quote in your day in any of the ways. Try it till you make it.

Eat right. Eat everything that can make you feel happy but do not binge. Avoid emotional eating. Remember, if you are happy, you are not stressed and you will not feel craving for the wrong food termed as ‘Emotional Eating’. Happiness is a key to right diet and right diet is a key to healthy heart.

Exercise regularly. 45 minute of walk or 21 sun salutations or an hour of swimming, choice is all yours. But do exercise to keep yourself fit.

Quit smoking. A big ‘No’ to smoking and this should be your pledge on this day.

But these all tips are useful when you realize that your heart is important to you.

Just 3 keys to enjoy Life : CTRL+ALT+DEL.

1. Control yourself
2. Look for Alternative solutions
3. Delete the situation which gives you tension…!!