About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Monday, January 7, 2013

At Loss For Words.... (Contd.).....

When I blogged the post - http://doyouthinkyouareliving.blogspot.in/2013/01/at-loss-for-words.html in the morning, I was constantly thinking about a fact. 

In India, in every home, a woman is mentally and emotionally raped by her own people. Now, the condition is little more severe, when doors are open for men to physically rape women in buses et al.

I realised from our childhood, we go through height of discrimination. Our brothers are given more importance and we are neglected, as we are meant to be married to another family. Is it our fault?

If you ask a pregnant woman - son or daughter? The instant response to your question would be - son in 85% cases!

The day you get married and your parents could not meet the requisite demands of your husband's family - your life is screwed up. You have two choices to listen or revolt. If you listen, you are heading to many major problems. If you revolt, you are shown the doors with a list of allegations.

God forbid, if you sponsor a child and you are childless then please get ready to be addressed as whatever you could have never imagined to be called - I am short of words here. Your family and world will not spare you. You are treated worse than anything!

Where shall we go, a question to all my readers in India? Can you change a bit of our lives and make us feel safe in our homes and on roads? 

The religious leader spoke a hurtful and highly regretful statement about Nirbhaya case. He stated it was victim's fault as in any crime there are two parties to be blamed. The culprits should not be punished brutally. Indeed, the victim should have made the culprits as her 'brothers'.

Highly shameful to listen to all this! Firstly, rape is a word in English that clearly explains one forcing himself physically on someone else. So, there are no two people involved in this crime. Secondly, how can someone tell her rapists - please do not rape me, I will tie you a rakhi:). And, would the wolves like these 6 rapists would have understood this request. They were wolves disguised as 'men'. 

A question - why is that we always find a reason to blame women in major rape cases? 

Like, do not wear skimpy or western clothes. It prompts men. 
Do not travel at night.
Do not travel in buses or autos
And now make the rapists as your brothers

If a rape happens two things are always clear - Woman would be at fault. She is designated as a prostitute or called names by people around. She is simply told in polished language - we cannot help you. She is considered as 'culprit' of selling herself rather than a victim of something highly shameful.

Think! Think! And Just Think!

It is high time to change and voice out our rights and opinions - strongly!