About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Haiku Poems

FG has published my first four Haiku poems that can be read at the link below-

I have edited my work and put some of these poems on my Poemhunter Poet Profile. I am reading articles and books by Michael Dylan Welch; it really helped me to understand the science of Haiku.

It is true that most of the links are vague by many people that can misinform a beginner and also misguide. I am following his blog to understand better around Haiku. I just want to improve and the only way is by writing and writing and writing. Lot of FB Haiku forums and groups, the other Haiku poets are helping me with their valuable feedback. 

As the saying goes 'practice makes a man perfect!'.
