About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My First Art Class -:)

After eight months since I am back from Gurgaon, I attended my first art class in Bangalore. My teacher is from Tanjore. I plan to learn oil painting followed by Impasto. 

I want to start Tanjore but looking at my back condition, I have to wait for another 2 months. Tanjore needs either to sit on the ground or lot of bending job unlike oil painting or impasto. 

My husband gifted me two big canvas (s), and the entire kit of paints, and the palette knives. I am making one canvas with my teacher and the other on my own. I am reading art work of Jaganath Paul and making one of his painting (I mean reproducing it with my thought process - combination of acrylic, oil and charcoal). When I look at this painting of Jaganath Paul, I think of two traits of my nature - goodness can win over evil and at times we sacrifice for other's happiness. I am giving 100% to this painting as it means a lot to me if I can make it the way I want....
