About Me

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of various anthologies. You can read more about her writing career at the below link: https://www.facebook.com/archanaknagpal/

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Colour Therapy During My Surgery!

No pain no gain. But if post surgery we have so much of pain then I do not want any gains. I am in awful pain. I miss my mommy though my husband has been my mommy since last two days. He is doing everything that my mom would have done for me. My food, my shower, my medicines, my clothes, my ironing and much above that handling my mood swings. I wish I had the same patience that he has for me. 

I was thinking to share something very interesting that I did in the Operation Theatre. The moment I entered I could see my surgeon and his assistant surgeon waiting for me. The senior surgeon asked his assistant to examine the area and clean it before they operate it. The assistant came closer to my feet and asked how am I feeling and how is the pain?

I said, “I am waiting to get rid of this pain so that I can be better with my foot, post surgery”.

 He gently cleaned my foot and went back to pick some bandage to clean my nail paint. I could hear him whispering into the ears of senior surgeon – “Gosh! She has painted her nails before the surgery as well.”

I was too infantile and quick to interrupt and justify around my nail paint, “Hey! Doc, this is called Colour Therapy”. I do not know what colour is for what significance but I am sure of one thing – there are few colours that pump me up. Like red, plum, rock, pinks and aqua. That is why you see my foot nails coloured as plum even today. I am giving you guys a chance to have a variety other than looking at the same colour of blood, ‘red’. So enjoy plum with red.”

Trust me, all 6 doctors started laughing and my surgeon said he loves me for my spirit though today I disappointed him during my first dressing. What I did, I will share tomorrowJ

Colour your nails, hair, home walls or wardrobe etc with the shades that make you feel peaceful, happy and contented. I do not follow any colour therapy (therapy that defines the use of a particular colour for a particular reason) as such but yes I use colours that keep me peaceful, happy and contented. So follow your choice of colours to colour your life!

I am tired....and exasperated due to painJ
